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Writing and competence levels of online learners: Online learners who self-evaluate their skills and competence levels before starting a course are more likely to complete the course successfully. These students performed better on the tasks in the course, which was consistent with their self-reported level of skill. Online learners who did not assess their skills or competence before starting often reported lower levels of skill after completing, even if they did well in the exam. This indicates that lack of self-assessment can hurt performance rather than help it. The study also found that students were less likely to rate themselves as competent, despite performing well on tasks assigned by an automated program designed to identify learning styles. This mainly occurred because the program was too general, rating learners as either autonomous or dependent rather than rating them across multiple factors. A different study found that students who evaluated their online learning skills before beginning a psychology course had high levels of engagement in the course activities. These students also reported achieving higher levels of learning in comparison with peers who did not evaluate their skill levels beforehand. Problems with expertise: Online learners rating their own expertise is complicated by problems in rating one's own expertise, according to experts in the field. These problems lead to either over- or underrating of one's skills. Studies have shown that people are more likely to rate themselves negatively on a skill when they are at their peak, but also more likely to rate themselves positively during the time when they are developing. Higher skill levels in general tend to underrate, while lower skill levels tend to overrate. Since online learners' ratings tend to be higher than their peer's, they will not have enough information on which to base their self-assessments. Hence, they will naturally rate themselves higher than their peers, even though the gap between their actual performance and what others think they can do is larger than when judging with peers in person. Relationship between expertise and knowledge: Successful learners of new information still rarely know everything that is new. They still need to learn more to become experts. Expertise is developed by learning, making mistakes, and new information becoming incorporated into their knowledge base. To develop expertise, learners need to understand how relatively little they know, so they can learn more in order to increase the amount of their knowledge base. If someone is already an expert in a field, it becomes harder for them to improve because they have already achieved great success. Online learning programs are more likely to measure students' performance on tasks rather than on what they learn during the course itself. Students are more likely to put in their best effort on the tasks they are given, rather than providing information about what they have learned. Before the course begins, online learners do not have much experience with how coursework is assessed. Online learning is also less likely to measure the transfer of skills from the course to daily life. This means that students need more time after completing a course for their new skills to become routine. It may take months before students are able to apply their new skills routinely, rather than just perform well on tasks given by an instructor. cfa1e77820


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